Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Finally, I'm out of Tekong. Here I am, sitting in front of the pc at this time of the week and yes it does feel strange to do so. Am clearing leave for the year. Just graduated from SISPEC last Saturday and now waiting for my new course to start. And guess what? I'm posted to the School of Military Medicine (SMM). Hah. I can't believe it too. I'm training to be a medic! The news suck initially but looking back at how I really wanna to be a paramedic, I guess this just open up the pathway to sign on as one once NS is completed. It's kinda funny looking back at the situation. I couldn't managed to sign on with the SCDF earlier this year, was enlisted into the Army soon after. Managed to sign a pre-contract as a Military Policemen, was somehow rejected (and I'm still curious to why 'till now) and now I'm posted to SMM. I guess my prayers were finally answered by God. I did pray not to long ago (ok that was like in July '04 while in the Holy Land) that I really wanna work as a paramedic and it doesn't really matter if I were to be one sooner or later, I just wanna be one. I thought all hope was lost when I keep on being rejected by numerous organizations. Now I realized that you just have to be extremely patient in order to get what you want. And fate does play a big part in it. Thank you God for still loving me. :)

PS. Im so missing Hana alot. Don't be disappointed Taibah. I can't help but feel that way. It been 8 long months since. Sigh. But i'm ok though. Just miss her alot that's all. Hee.

Mister Turtle urge you to join the mutant war!!!
11:16 PM

Sunday, November 13, 2005

It's been a real long and tiring week :-

Monday, 7th Nov
The week started off with the normally typical 'cheong sua' in the jungle. - Platoon Battle Attack

Tuesday, 8th Nov
Things began to heat up with 'cheong sua'ing in the jungle in the morning followed by the 1st route march in SISPEC, the 16km Route March. After doing the 24km route march in BMT, this is deemed as peanuts. Surprise surprise i was the song I/C for the day. Hah. Cant wait for the 28th km Graduation Route March on the 25th though. ;)
Hours Sleept : 5 hrs

Wednesday, 9th Nov
The week started on this day. Had Section Marksmanship Training (SMT) at BMTC in the morning. Had fun there as it was a 7-man arcade like shooting session. Simulation though. After lunch, we were getting prepared for our 3 day 2 night Exercise Nutcracker. The title says it all. It will make us go all mad. Nutcraker a.k.a dig your own graveyard. We are required to dig a shellsrcape of our own for us to sleep in and a fire-trench. The difference between the fire trence here in SISPEC and the one we did in BMT is that while it took us 12 men and the whole day to dig the trench, SISPEC wise, it's only 2 men within 6 hours. Add that to the heavy downpours throughout the night and i've just experience the worse feeling i ever had. No shelter. Was too tired to even open out my gotex. In the end i just lay a small groundsheet on the ground and covered half of it over my face. The moment to remember was when me and my partner woke up 1 1/2 hrs later. We were scavenging for candles 'bocs we were so cold that i was shivering from head to toe. I swear i've never felt that way before! It was damn pathetic i tell you. Never ever wanna go through that again.
Hours Sleept : 2 hrs

Thusday, 10th Nov
Hey hey. It's Taibah's 25th birthday today! Haha. I'm still stuck here in the jungle and it just keep on continuing raining. I swore for once that i though the Singapore's army uniform has change from green camouflage to dirty brown. Haha. The sight was delirious. We had a mini mission where i get to become enermy while the rest learn to counter surprise attacks in their respective shellscrapes. While doing me the rest of the guys saw this really awesome big big BIG wildboar. It was the same size as the average hippo but luckily for us it didn't attack us. I guess it was just hungry and was trying to look around for food. I remember while doing Exercise Wanderer, a small hairy wildboar just dash through the track that we were walking on. It was barely 5 meters from us. That, i tell you could have hurt us 'bcos it had horns. By night time we were told to cover back the trences.
Hours Slept : 4hrs

Friday, 11th Nov
Finally reach company's line around 11 in the morning. The whole day was just about cleaning up the equipment. My back was halfway 'breaking apart'. Too much carrying of heavyload and bending to wash the stuffs.
Hours Slept : 4 1/2 hrs

Saturday, 12th Nov
Set out to Pasir Laba Campsite for Section Live Firing @ 0545. By the time we arrive at SISPEC was around 3 in the morning. By this time most people were either shouting at each other for the slightest reasons or dozing off while cleaning weapons. Was finally able to pack our stuffs at 0445. Bookout time.
Hours Slept : 0 Hrs

Sunday, 13th
Reach home at 1000 and immediately went to hit the bed. Damn shag man.What a week! Bookin @ 2145. Sigh. Next week - Exercise Grandslam. The father of it all. Another 3 day 2 night in the jungle. Last ever exercise before POP! Yay!! :)

PS. Fall in Lurveeee with My Chemical Romance's Helena, The Ghost of You and I'm Not Ok (I Promise). Happy Birthday Taibah! Too bad you can't make it for the zoo thingy. Would be a blast. Hah. So when's the next party with the animal? ;p TWENTY-FIVE. A quarter of a century. That's old. Somehow can't wait for my turn. 23. Lurve the number. Hee. 2 more months exactly to go. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Mister Turtle urge you to join the mutant war!!!
5:28 PM

The turtle person.

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Medical Training Institute
whatever, really.

*reserved yet explosive*
*procrastinate yet on the move*
*naive yet matured*
*soul-searching yet nowhere*
*fickled yet decisive*

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